Digital transformation is about engaging with technology to accelerate organizational growth, increase efficiencies or pivot business goals. It is an ongoing evolution of how an organization operates. Now whether we call it a “revolution,” an “era,” or a “trend.”

You will agree that it has changed the way business operates today. We notice following –  

– Businesses are heavily dependent on digital platforms. 

– From LAN to Remote Working anytime anywhere access..

– From Private Datacenter to Cloud Infra.

– From In-house Applications to Cloud Hosted (O365, GSuite, Salesforce, GITHUB).

– Company Owned Systems to BYOD.

– Desktop to Laptops.

– Adoptions of Mobile Devices with APPS have increased.

The Risk – Threat Landscape is very dynamic and every breach costs direct as well as indirect business loss.

  •  Viruses earlier were developed for fun and fame but today’s age malware demands RANSOM.
  • Malwares now follows the Kill Chain Process and initial execution is embedded into the office document, PDF and images. Hence when they enter security devices at perimeter are unable to evaluate intent and behavior unless they are executed in a sandbox.
  • Every individual spends more time online specially with handheld devices and online exploit KITS take advantage of browser weaknesses. They are hidden behind online advertisements and execute themself with user knowledge. 
  • Era of digital currency has begun where malwares are around to use your system resources for processing power.
  • We now have larger risk to data with always connected smart devices and anytime anywhere access.

Security Program Services

With these facts and changing ERA, organizations need a strong process oriented Security Program which follows proven approaches of Assess to identify gaps, Plan to fix, Implement and Monitor. Our team of experienced professionals will take the ownership to design your SECURITY PROGRAM which will align with your business compliance requirements as well.

Assess to Identify Gaps  A review and assessment of your current practice will help to identify areas in need of immediate attention and prioritization. 

Deliverables Once we complete our assessment and take the information about current practice policy, process and tools in use, we will deliver a documentation which includes top recommendations for action.